About Us
So, if you don't know us, we're a family of three who called Pinellas County, Florida home for the past 8 years or so. My name is Flint, my wife's name is April, and our 12 year old daughter's name is Josie.
For a lot of different reasons, we've decided to sell off everything, and travel for as long as we could manage before we got homesick, went broke, or settled somewhere. We're not sure what the future holds for us, but that's okay. Having no plan is our plan.
We'll be homeschooling Josie through the notoriously dicey middle school years of her education. We'll talk about that here too. Josie is VERY excited.
We'll be posting about where we're planning on going, and where we will be. We'll be staying for long periods of time (generally 1+ month where ever we end up), if you know us, and want to visit us - you'll have a friend on the ground to show you the sites, where ever we happen to be!